Tag Archives: protractortesting


Protractor Installation Windows:

Protractor is nodejs program thus we need install NODEJS

Step 1: Install NODEJS

Step2: Install protractor by giving following command in command prompt

npm install protractor

It will install protractor and Webdriver-manager

To check whether it has installed successfully Run command

protractor --version

It will displays the version of the installed protractor.

Step 3: To Install selenium server, chrome driver, gecko and appium run the following command

webdriver-manager update

To check all have installed successfully run the following command

webdriver-manager status

That’s it we have installed protractor successfully.


Protractor is end to end automated testing tool, specially made for Angular and Angular JS website

Also used to test normal Web applications.

Protractor is nodejs program.


  • Tests like normal users
  • Specially made for Angular JS pages, supports Angular-specific locators
  • Automatically waits for the Webpage to load.

How it works?

Protractor—–>Selenium server—–>Browser


Protractor build on top of WebDriverJS

  • Send message to selenium server.
  • Selenium server communicate with browser
  • And browser will response according to it.


Special cases protractor can be connected directly to Browser using Chrome drivers.

Programming language used : Javascript

Framework used

  • JASMINE(Commonly used)
  • Cucumber
  • Serenity/JS

Other than this Custom framework can be also used.

Next we can see Protractor_Installation.