Tag Archives: Protractor


Protractor is end to end automated testing tool, specially made for Angular and Angular JS website

Also used to test normal Web applications.

Protractor is nodejs program.


  • Tests like normal users
  • Specially made for Angular JS pages, supports Angular-specific locators
  • Automatically waits for the Webpage to load.

How it works?

Protractor—–>Selenium server—–>Browser


Protractor build on top of WebDriverJS

  • Send message to selenium server.
  • Selenium server communicate with browser
  • And browser will response according to it.


Special cases protractor can be connected directly to Browser using Chrome drivers.

Programming language used : Javascript

Framework used

  • JASMINE(Commonly used)
  • Cucumber
  • Serenity/JS

Other than this Custom framework can be also used.

Next we can see Protractor_Installation.